Good Morning, SleepyLand! is an applied narrative management game developed within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Edugaming vs. Radicalisation: Strategies for Beginners,” in collaboration with the associations APS La Fenice, NextGeneration, PaNoKe, and AJ Inter.
Good Morning, SleepyLand! combines elements of a simulation game and a management game with a branching narrative structure. It was developed in Unity 3D and is playable on both desktop and mobile browsers.
The game was created during the first phase of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Edugaming vs. Radicalisation: Strategies for Beginners.”
During the design phase, we closely collaborated with participants—youth workers, volunteers, and teachers from various parts of Europe—through brainstorming sessions focused on the theme of political apathy.
The result of merging the ideas and reflections of the participants with our game design guidance was a small video game featuring a branching narrative structure, blending elements of a management game and a simulation.
Raise players’ awareness about political apathy in its various forms.
Sector: Human Rights
More info: https://www.plumesoft.games/progetto/edugaming-vs-radicalisation-sleepyland